Encore Azalea Autumn Moonlight (1 Gallon) White Flowering Shrub - Full Sun Live Outdoor Plant
$12.91 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
Encore Azaleas are the world's best-selling, re-blooming Azaleas. They boast blooms in Spring, Summer, and Fall. The Autumn Moonlight produces a pure-white, semi-double bloom with a dusted-yellow throat. Autumn Moonlight will truly stand out in any landscape with its blazing display of color. Encore Azaleas bloom best when given four to six hours of direct sunlight daily. When planting this Azalea dig the hole twice as wide as the pot and mix slightly acidic garden soil in with your native soil, then leave the top of the root ball half an inch above the ground level when filling the hole with soil.
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